In the Fall of 2014, Donna Chow, a newly crossed sister from the University of Georgia, transferred to the University of Connecticut and noticed the campus lacked diversity and unity. She realized that she wanted to share her positive experiences and the valuable lessons she learned from Delta Phi Lambda with the UConn community. This motivated Ms. Chow to find others who shared her passion. Thus, began the search for an interest group at UConn. Although she had encountered many obstacles in the beginning, an interested member, Ms. Victoria Moun, reached out to Ms. Chow, and showed her mutual desire to bring Delta Phi Lambda to UConn.
Although UConn was already comprised of a few other Asian organizations, they both felt that they were missing a close-knit bond that they can call “sisterhood.” They both shared the same vision of creating a home away from home and as well as an organization that would promote Asian Awareness to all cultures on campus. By establishing an Asian-Interest Sorority on campus, it would provide a different opportunity for other female students who are in search for a support system, and most importantly, “Sisterhood.”
In the Fall of 2015, through the Nationally-Led Expansion of Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc, the sorority was invited to give a formal expansion presentation in front of the UConn Greek Council. The presentation led by Tracy Wang, Vice President of Records of Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. and Ms. Donna Chow was a great success. The sorority was given a formal invitation to charter at the University of Connecticut the following semester. After hearing the great news, both Ms. Chow and Ms. Moun worked tirelessly on recruiting more potential members to the interest group. And along the way, Ms. Angela Villella also expressed her interest in joining the group, with the drive towards creating unity among the different ethnic groups on campus and to eventually bring forth Asian Awareness to the UConn community. In coming together, they continually searched for other dedicated female leaders. Finally in the Spring of 2016, their vision to charter DPhiL was shared by Bernice Sit, Kaitlyn McCarthy, Janet Zheng, Tiffany Hsu, and Sylvia Wang.
Throughout the chartering journey, the seven ladies; Ms. Bernice Sit, Ms. Kaitlyn McCarthy, Ms. Victoria Moun, Ms. Janet Zheng, Ms. Tiffany Hsu, Ms. Angela Villella, and Ms. Sylvia Wang developed long term friendships and supported each other. With their dedication, passion, tireless effort and the guidance and support of their educators; Ms. Jennifer Albesa (UWF) Vice President Expansion, and Ms. Tracy Wang (UAlbany) Vice President of Records, these seven ladies overcame many struggles and built long lasting bond to become the Charter Class at the Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. the University of Connecticut On April 10, 2016.